Not sure how to help the
South American migrants?

Click below or keep reading for resources, places to donate, and
ways to help advocate.



    Most of the migrants are arriving in Denver with little to nothing. They need clothes, shoes and boots, baby supplies, and hot meals! Click below to find out where to donate, how to feed a shelter, and where to best volunteer your time.


    One of the most rewarding ways to help is to support a family directly. This can look like: helping find housing, filling out paperwork, and contacting the appropriate non-profits. It makes a huge impact and is a fun way to get to know a family!


    The problems we are seeing are two-fold. They require immediate City and State help to stave off what is becoming a crisis, and they require longer-term, systemic changes. Click below to find out how to get involved and start using your voice.


As of February 2024, Denver has welcomed over 38,500 migrants in the last year. This makes Denver the top destination for migrants crossing the US southern border and traveling north in buses from Texas. 

As neighbors, we’ve been watching the crisis unfold up close and personal and in November started a Facebook group to help with immediate needs, as well as how to manage this influx of people long-term.

We’ve learned a lot and put together this website to help share that knowledge and streamline processes so we’re not all running around, doing the same thing. :)

Before you take action, we’d love for you to take a few moments to look through the site and see if there is an established solution to your problem or a process that will make it easier.

The words Newcomer (City of Denver’s preferred term) and Migrants (people moving from one place to another) are used interchangeably on this website.

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drop off sites, and more…

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